ARTZMATT, c'est l'art de Matt Roussel
Matt Roussel est reconnu pour ses bois gravés peints, ses estampes, et ses céramiques raku.
Il est né en 1964 dans le sud de la France.
Après avoir longtemps travaillé comme illustrateur pour l’édition, la presse et la publicité, il voyage en Mongolie en 2015 et décide de se consacrer essentiellement à la gravure sur bois et à la céramique.
Au fil du temps, son travail de graveur évolue et il invente un art unique en peignant à l’acrylique des planches de bois préalablement gravées.
Ses thèmes de prédilection sont les relations qui associent les hommes, les animaux et la nature.
Il vend ses oeuvres dans le monde entier sur son site et expose toute l’année en France et en Europe lors de foires d’arts contemporain.
Matt Roussel is recognized for his painted woodcuts, his prints, and his raku ceramics.
He was born in 1964 in the south of France.
After having worked for a long time as an illustrator for publishing, the press and advertising, he traveled to Mongolia in 2015 and decided to devote himself mainly to wood engraving and ceramics.
Over time, his work as an engraver evolved and he invented a unique art by painting previously engraved wooden boards in acrylic.
His favorite themes are the relationships between people, animals and nature.
He sells his works all over the world on his website and exhibits all year round in France and Europe at contemporary art fairs.
Characterized by the use of specialized tools called burins, gravers, or gouges to carve thin, elegant lines, wood engraving developed in the late 18th century to produce more precise detail than earlier techniques. For French artist Matt Roussel, the linear forms created on the surface of linoleum or wood are just as compelling as the prints that can be made from them. In his series of mounted printing blocks, he highlights the curving textures of lilies sprouting from a scarab beetle or leaves emanating from the body of a trotting horse.
Roussel first sketches directly onto the material and then carefully guides the gouge to produce markings that he likens to brushstrokes. While he often prints black-and-white multiples from the engravings, he began adding acrylic paint to the reliefs and presenting them as original artworks in their own right. Inspired by mythology and ancient motifs, he focuses on connections between culture and nature. “Whether it’s mountains, clouds, plants, and animals, I like to mix all these elements to tell or symbolize stories,” he tells Colossal, describing the painted panels as windows to an imagined realm. “Our world is beautiful, provided you know how to see it from this angle.”
La gravure sur bois ou xylogravure, est un procédé de gravure en taille d'épargne sur un support en bois. Il s'agit peut-être de la plus ancienne technique permettant l'impression de motifs sur un support.
La céramique RAKU est le résultat d'une technique d'émaillage développée dans le Japon du XVI e siècle.